Dominique Medici Studio Online
Nov 2, 9, 16, 23 off for thanksgiving, 30 2022 (Wednesdays)
2:00pm- 4:00pm (Pacific Time)
5:00pm- 7:00pm (EST)
Tuition: $150 (All Levels)
Theme for the month | Drawing our Furry Friends
This month we lighten our hearts by drawing those close to it, our beloved pets. Dominique will demonstrate the process of drawing 2 new additions to the family, Bow and Luna. You can choose to draw your own pets, mine if you don’t have any or any other animal you would like. You can also choose to draw a master copy of an animal like Fabritius’s gold finch or a person with animal like Leonardo’s Lady with an Ermine.
As always Dominique will demo and break down the process of drawing into clear and consecutive steps and narrate the process as she draws. All students receive feedback in the group critiques each week. (so long as they post their work by the deadline).
This class is taught online using Zoom
Need to miss a lesson or can’t make the live class…no problem! Demos and Critiques are recorded and uploaded by 5pm Pacific Time. Watch and paint in your own time.
Recordings are available to the class for 60 days
Questions? Send me a message here