The Practice Group
Recommended “Basic” Materials List
For In-person Classes at Dominique Medici Studio
Materials List: You just need to bring your palette, panels, brushes. linseed oil and rags. As for colors, Dominique recommends the limited palette (below) but you can use whatever you like in class.
Canvas Panels and Rosemary paint brushes will be available for purchase each session.
Easel, Light and Taboret: Are provided at the studio.
Palette: Use a gray palette. You can make a gray palette by painting the back of a piece of plexiglass with gray acrylic or buy one from your local art store
Soho Gray Palette (budget): https://amzn.to/3CuLNSj
New Wave Gray Glass Palette (fancy): https://amzn.to/3Cu3UrB
Brushes: Any professional brushes in the following sizes are fine,
Hog Hair or Natural Bristle (Flat and/or Filbert) #4 (2), #6 (2) #8 (1)
Kolinsky Sable or synthetic (pointed) #4 (1)
I use Rosemary and Co. Brushes Here is a link to my basic set: https://www.rosemaryandco.com?u=dominiquemedici
Paints: No student grade, 40ml tube or larger
Titanium White https://amzn.to/3AtU6x5
Cadmium Yellow Light https://amzn.to/2XAxZXr
Cadmium Red Light https://amzn.to/3nOPqyv
Quinacridone Red https://amzn.to/3zthNUS
Ultramarine Blue https://amzn.to/3zovmVH
Cobalt Teal https://amzn.to/3CyPdDs
Ivory Black https://amzn.to/3AvIdqG
Occasional Colors:
Flake White Replacement https://amzn.to/2ZaRTc9
Yellow Ochre https://amzn.to/3nYSx6O
Vandyck Brown https://amzn.to/2VZqUPG
Painting Surface: Use your preferred surface and prime with a neutral gray gesso unless otherwise instructed
Masonite (hardboard), Canvas, Linen Panels, Stretched Canvas or Linen
Size: Medici may recommend a specific sized canvas or panel
General sizes used are: 8” x 10”, 9” x 11”, 11” x 14" or 12”x16”
Quantity: Have 1 or 2 canvases ready for each class
Richeson gray toned hardboard panel 11”x14” https://amzn.to/2Z5cOxd
Mediums: Any pro linseed oil my preferred is Gamblin
Gamblin- Refined Linseed Oil 8 fl oz https://amzn.to/3EyqktF
Gamblin- Refined Linseed Oil 32 fl oz https://amzn.to/2XCEj0E
Winsor & Newton Liquin Fine Detail Medium, 75ml https://amzn.to/39rngAY
Brush Cleaner: Any pro OMS is good my preferred is Gamblin
Gamblin- Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits 16 fl oz https://amzn.to/39l9eB1
Gamblin- Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits 33.8 fl oz https://amzn.to/3Av5wkq
Gamblin- Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits 128 fl oz https://amzn.to/3EE9hGK
Additional Materials:
Roll of Artists tape or painters Blue Tape Artists Tape https://amzn.to/3AnrSnI
Binder clips and/or easel clips 2
Two clip on metal cups for Mineral Spirits/ Gamsol and Linseed Oil https://amzn.to/3EDl1Ji
Rags or Paper Towels https://amzn.to/3hO1kF6
Sketchbook and Pencil (for notes and sketching)
LED Clip on Easel Light https://amzn.to/3VpCn6U
3d Color wheel https://amzn.to/45odzzl
Mahl stick/ Backscratcher (perfect for steadying your hands while painting) https://amzn.to/30H2PPD
*Above are affiliate links, they don’t cost you any extra or raise the price, but I make a small commission when you use these links. Thank you!
Denman Ross Value Scale