
Youtube video REFERENCE IMAGEs

Download and print these reference images to work along with DMAA Youtube Videos (drag the image to your desktop)

“You can go to art school and keep your day job…

you don’t need to be a starving artist

but you also don’t need to starve your creativity” -DM

what’s the next step? 4 simples ways to engage



2. Monthly Online Workshops

If you want to dive deeper. Each month I offer a paid online weekend workshop. This is how DMAA funds itself. The online weekend workshops allow us to practice the months lessons in greater depth with more guidance. These 2 day workshops will include demos, critiques and q&a throughout...Anyone who signs up for the live workshop will receive a recording after it is over.

Want one-on-one lessons instead? See mentorship below.


3. Dominique Medici Art Academy Mentorship Program

The DMAA (online) Mentorship program offers one-on-one instruction.

How does it work?

If you are a beginner, have a lot of questions or need individual guidance and would benefit from hands on demonstrations and discussions then this is the perfect option for you As a Mentee you will receive individual guidance and instruction as you work through the Youtube lessons.


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4. Subscribe to my Youtube Channel

My weekly videos will be uploaded to Youtube.

Go to my YouTube channel by clicking the button below and subscribe. Be sure to tap the bell to be notified when a new episode is uploaded.